Pi Epsilon Chapter During...
The 1980s
Fraternity Milestones
In 1981, the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity endowed its first endowed Omega faculty chair at Rust College, Holly Springs, Miss. President W.A. McMillan stated that the chair would be used to promote the humanities.
The 75th Anniversary Grand Conclave celebration was held July 25-Aug. 1, 1986 in Washington, D.C., the city of Omega’s birth. It surpassed the previous attendance record.
Grand Basileus Moses C. Norman, Sr., elected at the 1984 Louisville Grand Conclave, appointed a committee to review the structure and operations of the fraternity as a means of future focus.
In 1984, John S. Epps was selected as only the fifth Omega man to serve as Executive Secretary. H. Carl Moultrie I, Executive Secretary Emeritus and Ronald E. McNair, noted Astronaut, entered Omega Chapter.
Don Q. Pullen and W. Mercer Cook also entered Omega Chapter.
Pi Epsilon Chapter Lines, 1980s
Michael Murphy
Jeffrey Long
Christopher Simmons
FALL 1980 – Olawada ("Group of Progress")
Eugene Williams
Robert Preston
Rene Cooper
John C. Flowers
SPRING 1981 – Antutenuon ("The New Breed")
William Bey
Robert Seagers
Michael Chase
Van Eric Paylor
FALL 1981 – Sindiata ("Sons of Kings")
Wayne Simms
Maurice Bloomfield
Bruce Washington
Ronald Garrett
Ricky Teagle​
SPRING 1984 – Magaji ("Rebirth")
Terrence "T-Bone" Wright
Odell Frett
Kevin Pressley
Kevin "Buster" Briscoe
FALL 1986 – Naama Foo ("New Generation")
Quentin Josey
Julian "J.R." Roary
Jamie Harris
Enor Williams
Daniel Merrifield
FALL 1987 – Adagui ("Continuous Growth")
Kevin Foreman
William D. Thompson
Ronald Allen
Steven Payne
Earl Tyson
Derrick Davis
Kevin "K.T." Turner
SPRING 1989 – Mfeusuasun ("Prolonged Quest")
Keith P. Sewell
FALL 1989 – Matata Zamani ("Troubled Times")
Namon "'Tink" Reid
William "Quarters" Foster
Craig Ballard
Kenneth Monroe
Kenneth "Snoop" Spinner
Kevin Strong
Lawrence "L.A." Ashworth

*Omega Chapter