Pi Epsilon Chapter During...
The 1970s
Fraternity Milestones
The newly revised Constitution and By-Laws and the Ritual went into effective at the close of the 1970 Pittsburgh Grand Conclave.
H. Carl Moultrie I, Omega’s only National Executive Secretary, was appointed a judge to the Superior Court of Washington, D.C., in 1972. Moultrie’s resignation was accepted with regrets.
Omega conferred upon Moultrie the title of National Executive Secretary Emeritus which was later changed to Executive Secretary Emeritus.
The Seventies brought more unpleasant news.
Founder Oscar J. Cooper entered Omega Chapter in 1972. Two years later in 1974, Edgar A. Love, the last surviving founder, entered Omega Chapter.
On November 16, 1975, an impressive granite monument was dedicated to the memory of the four founders. The monument is located near Thirkield Hall, the site of Omega’s birth place on the Howard University campus.
A revived Life Membership program resulted in a very large number of new Life Members.
The Atlanta Grand Conclave in 1976 became the largest attended up to that point. Many new undergraduate chapters were chartered, because of the increased enrollment of black students at previously all-white colleges and universities.
“Operation Big Vote,” was successful in getting thousands of African-Americans to vote in the 1976 election.
The Denver Grand Conclave in 1979 made a commitment to contribute $250,000 to the United Negro College Fund over the next five years.
Pi Epsilon Chapter Lines, 1970s
SPRING 1970 –The Dynamic Duo
James Coates
Joseph Commander
FALL 1970 – Seriously Speaking 7 aka The Wild Bunch
Thomas R. Nock
Russell C. Bailey
Marlin Perkins
Quinton L. Jones
Beverly Miles
Harry Taylor
Wayne Whye
SPRING 1972 – Prophets of Omega
Larry Penn
Alfonso Cornish
Gary Waters
Paul S. Trotter
Theodore Noble
Gregory Anderson
FALL 1972 – Earth, Wind & Fire
Gary L. Taylor
Alvin Mance
Thomas H. Samuels
SPRING 1973 – Lone Dog
Richard Jones
FALL 1974
Herbert N. Venable
Robert Green
Kurt Battle
Albert Pimento
Byron Johnson
Clifton Knox
Thomas Harry
Justin Burgess
Micheal D. Harry

Robert Green
LATE FALL 1975 – Busara ("Dignity")
Howard B. Nicholas
Derek T. Brown
Mark Moten
Castor Chasten
Rickie Hodge
Trenis Bllingsley
Marcus Hines
Johnny L. Litman
LATE FALL 1976 – Aku-Aku ("Brother to Brother")
Larry Epps
Walter Burns
Daryl Foster
Edward Comerfield
Kenneth Johnson
Lewis Miles
Hector Crespo
Kevin Hughston
FALL 1977 – A-Luta Continua ("The Struggle Continues")
Eric "Moby" Brown
Kenneth Epps
Gary Stewart
Ronald Jenkins
Robert Bell
Andre Armwood
SPRING 1978 – Alimano ("Communications")
M. Nathaniel Anderson
Otis Jordan
Larry Mack
Howard Nesbit
Michael Hall
Kim Jones
Benjamin Mullins
Joseph Hilton, Sr.
Gregory Joseph Anderson
Bart Griffin
Carl Hardaway
Kurt Colbert
Jerome Antone
Ralph Esquolen
Wilbert Aaron
Gerald Armwood
*Omega Chapter