Pi Epsilon Chapter During...
The 1960s
Fraternity Milestones
The struggle for social justice shifted into high gear. Brothers were active participants in the “sit-ins” and other civil rights demonstrations. Moreover, undergraduate brothers especially were involved in the demonstrative aspect of the civil rights struggle.
In 1961, the Washington, D.C. Grand Conclave highlighted Omega’s first 50 years of accomplishments. Founders — Love, Cooper, and Coleman were present. Thirteen of 23 former Grand Basilei also attended this historic gathering.
It was a once-in-a-life-time opportunity for young brothers to mingle with some of the greatest black men that America had produced.
The Golden Anniversary Conclave authorized a $150,000 investment towards the construction of a new national headquarters building in Washington, D.C.
In 1964, the new national headquarters was dedicated. It was a dream come true and was the first building of its type to be built by a black fraternity.
Founders — Love, Cooper and Coleman participated in the ceremonies. The name was later changed to the International Headquarters and was located at 2714 Georgia Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.
Founder Frank Coleman entered Omega Chapter in 1967.
The Charlotte Grand Conclave in 1968 mandated a constitutional convention for the revision of the Fraternity’s constitution and by-laws as well as the Ritual. That convention was held in Atlanta in 1969.
Pi Epsilon Chapter Lines, 1960s
FALL 1960
Theodore Green
Melvin Brooks
James E. Phipps
Dion Pringle
Nelson "Chief" Wilkinson
Freeman Thompson
St. Cross George
Norwood Purnell
FALL 1962 –The Defiant Ones
Warren Morgan
Emil Cromwell
Leon Green
Sidney E. Sullivan
James Jones
Lonnie Russell
FALL 1963
Frederick Moore
FALL 1964 –The Soulful-lific "Five"
Ronald Howard
William Northam
Donald Sydnor
Jonathan K. Hall
Clarence Cuffee
Leslie Isaiah Gaines

George Sisco
FALL 1965
Clifton Gordy
James Johnson
Patrick Watkins
Walter Williams
Wayne T. Fisher
FALL 1967 – The Fantastic Four
Douglas Walls
Alonzo Price
William Washington
Herbert Cornish
Joseph Wilkinson
Charles Cuyjet
FALL 1968 – The Funky Five
Everett O. Woods
Edward L. Swanson
Tyrone Stith
Donald Hooker
William Thompson
Oliver Myers
Mark Freeman
Benjamin Grimes
David Jenkins
*Omega Chapter